

Fitness Coaching

As a personal trainer, my number one responsibility when working with clients is safety. To do so, I need to better understand your history. So…we talk. Then, I assess your posture, movement patterns and body composition. With this information, I create a personalized program for your goals including, but not limited to: fat loss, lean muscle mass, strength endurance, core stabilization, cardiovascular improvement and post-rehab corrective exercise.

While working together, you’ll hear me talk a lot about proper form. That’s because, I aim to keep you safe. In time you’ll master good form as you better understand movement mechanics and develop neuromuscular control. The sessions will intensify and you’ll start seeing and feeling results. I will encourage you and keep you motivated the whole way through. You’ll be amazed at what you’re capable of.

Regardless of what your goals are, I’m here to help you discover the endless benefits of caring for both your body and your mind.

Alignment based

Yoga Instruction

Yoga dates back to over 5,000 years and was presented in Patanjali’s Yoga-Sûtras in the 2nd Century B.C. Patanjali introduced a systematic method towards obtaining Samadhi (Self Realization) through the 8 limbs of yoga (ashtanga or raja yoga). The eight limbs of yoga are: Nama (universal values), Niyama (observance), Asana (posture), Pranayama (breath work), Pratyahara (sensory withdrawal), Dharana (concentration), Dhyana (meditation) and Samadhi (meditative absorption). The eight limbs are interconnected and each encourages growth in the others. 

With yoga the body eases, the breath controls, the mind clears and peace comes. With one-on-one yoga we will focus on asana practice, including proper alignment and drishti (or focused gaze), as well as pranayama or breath work. From a physical standpoint we will utilize asana practice for strength, balance and flexibility. 

PN Level 1 Certified

Nutrition Coaching

One of my favorite past times is experimenting with wheat, dairy and sugar free recipes. That’s because too much of those foods often contribute to inflammation and a host of other problems. Thus, I’m always looking to find healthy alternatives for myself and my clients. Granted, what might work for one might not work for another. Please remember that our bodies are different and we all require different foods to meet our goals. That’s why I never promote one particular way of eating. Instead, I promote learning to better understand our genetic makeup, our level of physical activity, our physiology, our mindset and our current nutrition patterns in order to achieve the results we’re looking for.

I look forward to helping you create lifestyle changes around your relationship with food. 

Interested in my services?

Get in touch and let's chat. I'll listen. I'll care. I'll help.

Fitness Coaching

Package of 10
  • $90 Single Session
  • Complimentary Consultation
  • 60 Minute Session
  • Partner/Group Options
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Yoga Instruction

Package of 10
  • $90 Single Session
  • Complimentary Consultation
  • 60 Minute Session
  • Alignment Based
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Nutrition Coaching

Coming soon
  • Coming Soon
  • Complimentary Consultation
  • Client Specific
  • Precision Nutrition
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